For more information on the main business telephony services which ClearTalk evaluates during our initial consultation process read below and feel free to contact us with any questions.
- +30 21210 56701
- 17 Neoptolemou, Chalkis, Evia 34100, Greece
- Clear Talk Mobile
Business TelephonyMany businesses and organizations are satisfied with their local telephone service provider if they consistently hear a dial tone when they pick up their telephone. Most however, do not research the different options and plans that are available. This usually results in plans, network configurations and equipment that are not optimal for their needs.READ MORE
ClearTalk can assist any company in evaluating their needs and the available market offerings to optimize their voice telephony services and close the gap that often exists between mobile and traditional local and long distance connectivity services resulting in significant and sustained savings!
Long Distance Services
Most organizations do not have the resources or time to properly assess their long distance usage. As a result, many long distance plans are outdated and do not match the company’s calling patterns or needs.

Wireless/Cellular Services
Significant cost is added to many organizations by Wireless and Cellular Phone plans and options that do not match their usage patterns.
Wireless/Cellular Services
Significant cost is added to many organizations by Wireless and Cellular Phone plans and options that do not match their usage patterns.

Cloud IP PBX
PBX technology is necessary for the proper functioning of companies with multiple phones and a large number of employees.

SIP Trunking / Voice over IP
SIP trunking is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and streaming media service based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).
SIP Trunking / Voice over IP
SIP trunking is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and streaming media service based on the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP).

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